You are here: Homepage Tag climate Articles To prevent the slope on which the houses stand from slipping under the weight of the lorries, they only stop at the foot of the hill Photo: Marco Garro Climate | Peru The thirsty metropolis: Lima Lima is one of the largest desert cities in the world. Of its inhabitants, 635,000 have no access to water. Climate change may make the situation in the Peruvian capital even worse By Elizabeth Salazar Vega 01/26/2024 Desertification | Rumania “We are losing fertile land every year” Why are deserts increasing worldwide? An interview with the Romanian meteorologist Roxana Bojariu Interview with Roxana Bojariu 01/26/2024 Climate ethics | Mexico Climate sinners Politicians and companies like to urge people to do their bit to help the environment, creating a smokescreen for their own failure to act. By Luis Fernández-Carril 03/29/2019
To prevent the slope on which the houses stand from slipping under the weight of the lorries, they only stop at the foot of the hill Photo: Marco Garro Climate | Peru The thirsty metropolis: Lima Lima is one of the largest desert cities in the world. Of its inhabitants, 635,000 have no access to water. Climate change may make the situation in the Peruvian capital even worse By Elizabeth Salazar Vega 01/26/2024
Desertification | Rumania “We are losing fertile land every year” Why are deserts increasing worldwide? An interview with the Romanian meteorologist Roxana Bojariu Interview with Roxana Bojariu 01/26/2024
Climate ethics | Mexico Climate sinners Politicians and companies like to urge people to do their bit to help the environment, creating a smokescreen for their own failure to act. By Luis Fernández-Carril 03/29/2019