You are here: Homepage Aho Huang Biography Aho Huang, geboren 1962 in Taichuang, ist Comicredakteur und Gründer des Verlags Dala. Von 2012 bis 2018 kuratierte er Taiwans Pavillon auf dem Comicfestival in Angouleme. Er lebt in Taipeh. Details Foto: Dala Publishing Articles Photo: Dala Publishing Comics | Taiwan“Rainbow Apartments”: a new home for Taiwan’s queer comic heroesComics are booming in Taiwan but until recently, LGBTQ storylines were hard to find. Publisher Aho Huang wants to change all that06/01/2023
Photo: Dala Publishing Comics | Taiwan“Rainbow Apartments”: a new home for Taiwan’s queer comic heroesComics are booming in Taiwan but until recently, LGBTQ storylines were hard to find. Publisher Aho Huang wants to change all that06/01/2023