You are here: Homepage Tag Sklaverei Articles Brazilian writer Itamar Vieira Junior is a geographer and ethnologist – and a descendant of the quilombolas, an afrobrazilian community whose ancestors were escaped slaves Photo: Uendel Galter Fiction | Brazil The fight of the quilombolas Politics clashes with everyday life in Brazil, in a story of sisterhood, race and religion. Itamar Vieira Junior’s debut novel thrives on this colourful mix By Michael Ebmeyer 01/09/2023 The writer and journalist was born in Khartoum, Sudan. She won the Bernard Cohen Short Story Prize and the Miriam Weinberg Richter Award for her texts Foto: Marie Constantinesco Time | Sudan and USA Against white time Linear, efficient and punctual: that's how the Western world ticks. But can't time be understood and used differently, for example as it is in Sudan? By Fatin Abbas 10/01/2022
Brazilian writer Itamar Vieira Junior is a geographer and ethnologist – and a descendant of the quilombolas, an afrobrazilian community whose ancestors were escaped slaves Photo: Uendel Galter Fiction | Brazil The fight of the quilombolas Politics clashes with everyday life in Brazil, in a story of sisterhood, race and religion. Itamar Vieira Junior’s debut novel thrives on this colourful mix By Michael Ebmeyer 01/09/2023
The writer and journalist was born in Khartoum, Sudan. She won the Bernard Cohen Short Story Prize and the Miriam Weinberg Richter Award for her texts Foto: Marie Constantinesco Time | Sudan and USA Against white time Linear, efficient and punctual: that's how the Western world ticks. But can't time be understood and used differently, for example as it is in Sudan? By Fatin Abbas 10/01/2022