You are here: Homepage Tag banlieue Articles “Fierté”: French photographer Marvin Bonheur began his career in Départment 93 on the outskirts of Paris, home to a largely marginalised part of French society Photo: Marvin Bonheur Society | France “People we wouldn’t notice” French photographer Marvin Bonheur grew up in the banlieue of Paris. Today, he works internationally as a documentary photographer and in advertising. In both fields, he is aiming to portray those who are most often overlooked Interview with Marvin Bonheur 04/03/2024 French rap duo Triplego consists of rapper Sanguee and music producer MoMo Spazz Photo: TWAREG Hip Hop | France Between the Maghreb and the Banlieue The beat booms and the lyrics are radically intimate. The rap music of the French-African duo Triplego is created in the space between the Maghreb and the banlieue By Anissa Rami 12/25/2023
“Fierté”: French photographer Marvin Bonheur began his career in Départment 93 on the outskirts of Paris, home to a largely marginalised part of French society Photo: Marvin Bonheur Society | France “People we wouldn’t notice” French photographer Marvin Bonheur grew up in the banlieue of Paris. Today, he works internationally as a documentary photographer and in advertising. In both fields, he is aiming to portray those who are most often overlooked Interview with Marvin Bonheur 04/03/2024
French rap duo Triplego consists of rapper Sanguee and music producer MoMo Spazz Photo: TWAREG Hip Hop | France Between the Maghreb and the Banlieue The beat booms and the lyrics are radically intimate. The rap music of the French-African duo Triplego is created in the space between the Maghreb and the banlieue By Anissa Rami 12/25/2023